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You may want these references on your landing pages when promoting What Men Secretly Want. Having references is a authenticity signal and can help with compliance for traffic buying.

Anderson, Cameron & Hildreth, John & Howland, Laura. (2015). Is the Desire for Status a Fundamental Human Motive? A Review of the Empirical Literature. Psychological bulletin. 141. 10.1037/a0038781. - The male need for respect.

Yuen J. Huo and Kevin R. Binning. (2008). Why the Psychological Experience of Respect Matters in Group Life: An Integrative Account. Social and Personality Psychology Compass 2: 10.1111/j.1751-9004.2008.00129.x - The male need for respect.

Harry's Masculinity Report 2018 - Men are happiest when a part of something where they feel needed and valued.

Canevello A, Crocker J. Creating good relationships: Responsiveness, relationship quality, and interpersonal goals. J Pers Soc Psychol. 2010;99(1):78-106. doi:10.1037/a0018186 - Showing him you believe in him and that he's the one for the job.

Reis HT, Lemay Jr EP, Finkenauer C. Toward understanding understanding: The importance of feeling understood in relationships. Social and Personality Psychology Compass. 2017:11(3):e12308. doi:10.1111/spc3.12308 - You value his point of view and abilities.