Sample Emails

Here are sample emails that have converted well. You may use or modify these to fit the needs of your customer base.

Subject Lines:

The #1 Trait Men Desire in a Woman
Is Your Deepest Love Instinct Secretly Driving Men Away?


Hey [Firstname]

There's a lie the whole world is caught in...

It's a lie about you. More specifically, it's about one of your most stunning qualities.

In fact, it's the #1 quality that makes a man want to switch gears and actively pursue a commitment with a woman.

The funny thing is... if you're like most women, you've been completely ignoring it because of that lie.

This video reveals the truth about this lie:

You'll also discover how this one trait can trigger a powerful emotional attraction, in your man.

I recommend that you watch it now, because I heard about this directly from James, and he's not sure how long it will be available.

Here's the video:



Subject Lines: Obsession potion #9


The time for "Love Potion #9" has passed. He says he loves you, but you need a COMMITMENT!!!

But why stop there? A solid commitment from your man is an easy byproduct if we take this up another notch. I'm talking OBSESSION!!

James Bauer is a dating coach with a "potion" in the form of radical new ideas for women who know what they want and are ready to go after it.


in this video, James describes an unusual set of circumstances that led to extraordinarily good fortune for his clients.

James has always operated from the theory that true love is rooted in the shared experience of oneness. He believes the deepest, most enduring commitments emerge from the feeling of being understood on a level that makes you truly significant...In a way others just can't compete with.

In the information-packed video below, James describes three techniques that have the power to make a solid commitment a reality for you.


if you watch this video now, you will come away with an understanding of men that may surprise you. What's more, you'll come away with an understanding of your own untapped potential for bypassing the resistance men often have to deep and lasting commitment.

What if this was the key you've been looking for? You owe it to the potential in your relationship to watch this video now and find out. It reveals a key you've held close to your heart throughout your life. See if the key fits the lock to your man's heart.




Subject Lines:

How to get his MIND addicted to you
Deep Feminine Instincts Matter
If you struggle to Hold On to love...


Hey [Firstname]

It's popular to talk about the physical aspects of romantic relationships. People may argue about how far thing should go on a first date, but no one would argue against the deepest level of mental connection.

That kind of intimacy can be amazing. It can build instant attraction.

There's something deeply satisfying (and sexy) about a woman who can walk straight into a man's thoughts and "get him" on a level that races past the typical awkward barriers that keep two minds apart.

It could be argued that James Bauer is more than a dating coach. I think he's some sort of freaky mind wizard myself, though he claims the skills women learn from him are actually deep feminine instincts that have simply lain dormant for too many years.

You'll learn in the video below why he feels fortunate to have witnessed the awakening of a particular feminine instinct in one of his clients who just happened to be working with him when it happened.

He has recorded an informational video that explains these instincts and how you can tap into them and start using them tonight.


The video also gives you a glimpse into the world of possibilities available to you when you learn to harness a specific set of skills for deeply connecting with a man from the moment you meet him to the moment he says, "I do."


I'll state it plainly. This video is worth your time.

Here's the video:




Subject: Discover True Emotional Connection


After watching this video, the phrase, "Truth is stranger than fiction," comes to mind. You have to watch it. Just do it. Watch it now. [LINK]

You can thank me later. Just check out the video before it's gone!


okay, OKAY! I'll give in. I'll try to simply state what this video is about.

It's about this weird thing women can do that fixes the problem guys have with connecting on a deep emotional level.

Does your guy seem to get distant? Does his interest in a relationship seem to ebb and flow? Do you ever experience anxiety about his level of commitment and interest? Then watch this video. It is helpful because it opens your mind to perceive things about men... Things they couldn't tell you even if they wanted to.

Subject: Get THIS signal or forget about connecting with him

If you want to learn HOW to connect with your man, there is one type of signal you absolutely HAVE TO watch for. It's the "gateway signal" that makes all the rest of your relationship efforts come to life.

You'll see what I'm talking about in this information-packed video from dating coach, James Bauer.

Check out his presentation here: [LINK]

P.S. You'll learn a lot from this video so watch it while he's still got it up on his site!

Subject: The THREAT of uncertainty

feeling uncertain about a relationship greatly diminishes the chances it will succeed.

And it's not for the reasons you might think.

Relationship anxiety is actually a symptom of something far more deadly. It's a symptom caused by a certain kind of relationship blindness�a blindness you should get rid of for good.

Watch this video now to open your eyes to a whole new world of relationship insight and see your relationship more clearly.